150th Anniversary Logo Contest

The Township held a contest for the 150th anniversary logo late last year. The contest was open to Montclair middle school students. There were 209 submissions which were judged on clarity of message, graphic impact, creativity and whether logos represent Montclair’s unique character.

Mayor Robert Jackson announced the winners of the Montclair sesquicentennial celebrations logo contest at the December 20, 2017 township council meeting:

Montclair-150-logo-01.png First Prize: Dylan Baddeley, Glenfield School

Montclair-150-logo-02.png Honorable Mention: Sofia Abrahamson, Renaissance School

Montclair-150-logo-03.png Honorable Mention: Odalys Jimenez, Glenfield School

Contest judges were Montclair Arts Advisory Committee member Ruth Perretti, Montclair Art Museum Director Lora Urbanelli and local artist Allan Gorman.