All of Montclair Commercial Districts

Picture of storefront

The property is in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zone district which has a lot frontage requirement of 60 feet.  The proposed subdivision requires the following variances:

  • Montclair Code §347-18D which requires a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet and proposed Lot 22.02 has a lot frontage of only 48 feet and proposed Lot 22.01 has a lot frontage of only 50.75 feet.
  • Montclair Code §347-45C(1) which requires a minimum side yard setback of 6 feet and a setback of only 3 feet is provided on proposed Lot 22.01.
  • Montclair Code §347-45C(4) which requires a maximum width of the principal structure on a lot to be 65% of the frontage and the building on proposed Lot 22.01 covers 73.3% of the lot frontage.  
  1. The property is largely wooded, and the plat should be amended to identify trees over 6-inch caliper as required.
  2. The plat should show the footprint of the new house on proposed lot 22.02, as well as the location of the driveway and should clearly indicate which trees must  be removed for the new house.  A tree replacement plan must be provided.
  3. Building elevations of the proposed house should be provided.