Vision Zero: 2024 Highlights and Plans for 2025
Published on January 07, 2025
Over the last year, the Vision Zero Task Force has brought the Mayor, Town Council, Township staff, County commissioner, County engineers/planners, and local advocates together with one shared purpose: to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries on our streets.
As a Task Force, we have been committed to make meaningful changes that includes:
1. Creating a working process to address safety within the Township
- Developed a Complete Streets Policy (CSP):
- The Complete Streets Policy establishes a dedicated Complete Streets Director and Oversight Board to build upon the Vision Zero Task Force’s work, ensuring ongoing coordination, accountability, and funding to enhance safety and accessibility for all transportation modes.
- The Complete Streets policy will be presented to the full Township Council for a vote at the beginning of 2025.
- Working to develop an internal tracking and QAlert system for residents to report issues
2. Identifying and mapping crash data from 2021-23
- Mapped High Crash / High Injury corridors to identify Montclair's most dangerous intersections and streets
- Mapped vulnerable and high priority communities most affected by traffic violence.
3. Securing a Safe Streets for all (SSFA) Federal grant of $400,000 to develop Action Plans and demonstration projects addressing safety and street design
- A Request for Proposal (RF) will be issued in January 2025 to hire transportation and engineering specialists to aid in developing Actions Plans for:
- Road Infrastructure and Safety
- Bicycle Network and Access
- Pedestrian Network and Access
4. Created a communications channel between the Task Force and residents
- Established a website, social media, and newsletter to communicate current actions and goals
- Facilitated both in-person and Zoom exchanges with residents
- Distributed Safe Routes to Schools Survey to identify specific issues and dangerous areas at all 11 schools within the school district
5. Began to implement the Federal Highway Association’s Safe Systems Approach by reducing the speed limit
- All Township roads are now 25 mph
- School Zones are now 20 mph
- County roads - Upper Mountain Ave and Valley Road are now 25 mph
- The following County Roads are still pending: Grove Street, Normal Avenue, Bradford Avenue, Bloomfield Avenue (west of St. Luke's Pl.)
6. Implemented traffic calming in the following areas
- Installed 4-way stops at:
- Park Street and Alexander Avenue
- Jerome Place and Upper Mountain Avenue
- Bellevue Avenue and Upper Mountain Avenue
- Lincoln Street and Irving Street
- Walnut Street and Forest Street
- Restriped Harrison Avenue to narrow the travel lane and create a larger shoulder for bicyclists and pedestrian foot traffic
- Reconstruction of Bellevue Avenue and Park Street traffic signal in progress with anticipated completion in Q2 2025.
- Delineators have been installed in the following locations:
- Valley Road and Cooper Road
- Grove Street and Oxford Street
- Walnut Street and North Willow Street
- Walnut Street and Depot Square
- Valley Road and Oakwood Avenue
- Orange Road and Linden Avenue
- Walnut Street and Forest Street
- Walnut Street and Frink Street
- South Fullerton Avenue and Roosevelt Place
7. Implemented PILOT demonstration projects to add pedestrian safeguards
- Added painted curb-outs and delineators at:
- Park Street and Lorraine Avenue
- Park Street and Alexander Avenue
8. For 2025, the following pedestrian safety infrastructure is planned:
- Additional delineators to be ordered for deployment at the following locations:
- Grove Street and the following intersections: Chester Road to Carolyn Road, McDonough Street, Clairidge Court, Gordonhurst Street, Columbus Avenue, Grand View Place
- Claremont Ave and North Willow Street, Greenwood Avenue
- Edgemont Road by Edgemont Elementary School
- Orange Road at High Street to Irving Street
- Valley Road: Preston Place, Central Ave, Berkeley Place
- Bellevue Avenue: Woodmont Road, and by Buzz Aldrin School
- Watchung Ave at Watchung Plaza
- Park Street: by Train Station and Montclair High School
- Upper Mountain Avenue and Mt. Hebron Road
- Maple Avenue by Glenfield Middle School
- Midland Avenue by Montclair High School
- Ordered Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crossing signs to be installed at the following intersections:
- Grove Street and Summit Street
- Washington Avenue and Willowdale Avenue
- Park Street and Haddon Place
- Orange Road and Plymouth Street
- Grove Street and Lorraine Avenue
- Grove Street and Wildwood Avenue