The Water Bureau is responding to a water main break in front of 179 Orange Rd. Orange Rd is going to be closed between Cross Street and Gates Ave while the repair is being made.
Published on January 30, 2025
Know Your Rights – Resources for Immigrants in Montclair and New Jersey
The Mayor and Council of Montclair, along with the Township Manager, would like to make clear that all persons in Montclair - including immigrants that reside or work in, or visit the township - are all equally valued and have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.
We have compiled a list of resources to help residents, students, families, and business owners understand their rights and responsibilities when interacting with immigration enforcement agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Where available, we have included links to both English and Spanish versions of these resources.
General Information on Immigrant Rights for People in New Jersey
New Jersey Department of Human Services: Know Your Rights: Immigrants’ Rights (Also available in Spanish here)
ACLU NJ: What to do If Approached by immigration Officials in NJ (Also available in Spanish)
NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice - Know Your Rights with ICE and Police in Public (clickable in slideshow in English and Spanish)
NJ Attorney General: Immigrants' Rights
Make the Road NJ: Know Your Rights / Conoce Tus Derechos (Wallet Cards and Fact Sheets available to download and print)
Information for Immigrant Students, Families, and Educators
New Jersey Department of Education: School-Related State and Federal Requirements Pertaining to Immigrant Students and Families
Information for Businesses
New Jersey Department of Human Services: Know Your Rights: Organizations and Businesses (Also available in Spanish).
NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice: Know your Rights with Ice and Police at Work (clickable slideshow in English and Spanish)
National Immigration Law Center: What To Do if Immigration Comes To Your Workplace (Spanish translation available)
Other Resources:
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
NJ Attorney General’s Office: Immigrant Trust Directive