Bear Sighting

Published on June 04, 2024

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Bear sightings occurred in the Upper Montclair area, and most recently on Oakwood Ave. The State, NJDEP Fish & Wildlife, has been notified.



Remember: Never Feed bears!

It's illegal and dangerous. Anyone feeding bears could face a penalty of up to $1,000 for each offense.

Additional Tips

  • If you live in an area with a large black bear population, close all windows and doors in your house when you are cooking or you are away.
  • Have a “Bear Plan” in place for children including the use of whistles, air horns and an escape route.
  • Consider installing motion sensor lighting to try to frighten bears away if they enter your yard.
  • Other items you can use to try to scare bears out of your yard include air horns and banging pots and pans.
  • Maintain a safe distance when attempting to scare bears out of your yard. Try shouting, clapping, stomping the ground and making other loud noises to deter bears.
  • Refer to Bear Encounters to know what to do if you encounter a bear at your home or while hiking or camping.

For more information, please visit NJDEP| Fish & Wildlife | Bear Facts For Homeowners.

Animal Control Officers are available 24/7 by calling 862-621-9113 or by calling the Montclair Police Department non-emergency number 973-744-1234.



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