Submit Original Video Content
How do I submit a video to TV34?
To submit your video, please bring or mail your DVD to: TV 34 Montclair, Municipal Building, first floor (at the back of Council Chambers), 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042. You may leave the DVD in the mail pouch mounted on the office door. TV34 also accepts .MOV files -- bring the file to the TV34 Station Manager on a portable drive.
Please download TV34 Policies and Procedures(PDF, 49KB) and review before submitting your program. In addition, you will need to complete a TV34 Producer Agreement form(PDF, 76KB).
For questions, contact TV34 Station Manager Rick Gearhart at or phone 973-509-4996.
PLEASE NOTE: Montclair TV34 takes submissions from non-profit organizations only. Content must be family-friendly (no offensive language or content). See TV34 policies for more information.