What is going on in Montclair?


Edgemont Park House for Senior Activities is open Monday through Friday, 9am-1pm and 2pm-3pm. We are closed for lunch from 1pm-2pm. Seniors are welcome to drop in, participate in existing programming, or develop programming of their own. To sign up to receive the Lifelong Montclair newsletter, call 973-744-3278.

Lifelong Montclair

Lifelong Montclair page. 

Township of Montclair Senior Citizens’ Advisory Committee

The Senior Citizens Advisory Committee (SCAC) page.

Rave Mobile Safety- Montclair's Notification System

Sign up here in order to receive Important Messages and Emergency Alerts from the Township of Montclair, NJ!

Sign Up Now

Montclair Local


Montclair Times



TV34 is a Government Television Access Channel which operates out of the Montclair Township Broadcast Center, located at 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair New Jersey 07042.