Tenants' Statement of Rights

Download printable Tenants' Statement of Rights document(PDF, 103KB) .

  • At the inception of tenancy between a landlord and a tenant, the landlord shall provide the tenant with a STATEMENT OF RIGHTS, in bold type, and attached separately to the Lease.
  • Such STATEMENT OF RIGHTS shall be separately attached to every notice of rent increase. See §257-16.


  • The Township of Montclair has enacted a Rent Control Ordinance.
  • The Ordinance does not cover the rental of single-family homes or single condominium or cooperative units, but covers the rental of units in buildings containing 2 or 3 units in which the owner does not reside and all units in buildings containing 4 units or more.
  • The Ordinance permits rent increases on covered units once every twelve months in an amount not to exceed 4% or 2.5% for senior 65+ provided the unit is in substantial compliance with the applicable building laws and is properly registered with the Office of Rent Control.
  • The Ordinance permits a landlord to fix the initial rents in any amount on a vacant unit, with subsequent increases at 4% or 2.5% ONLY once every 5 years.
  • The Ordinance permits tenants to challenge rents and to challenge annual rent increases within90 days of receipt of the notice of rent increase that are in violation with the Ordinance.
  • The Ordinance includes many other provisions that may impact tenants and landlords. Tenants and Landlords are encouraged to review the Rent Control Ordinance.
  • The Rent Control Ordinance is available for inspection and is enforced by the Rent Control Officer and the Rent Control Board. The Office of Rent Control is located in the Township Municipal Building at 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, NJ.