Community Policing (CSU)

The Montclair Police Department’s Community Service Unit is dedicated to bridging the gap between the Police Department and the community it serves. Though the Community Service Unit has an office at police headquarters, members spend the majority of their time in the community. The Montclair Police Mobile Command Vehicle serves as the CSU’s mobile office and allows personnel to serve and assist citizens throughout the Township.

Each CSU officer is assigned to a specific ward as the Community

Liaison Officer. The respective Liaison Officers are as follows:

Liaison Officers

Officer Garth Guthrie

Officer Callum Higgins

Officer Erica Peterson


The Community Service Unit also offers the following programs:

Property Identification Program: This initiative can assist the police in recovering lost or stolen property. By placing your own “I.D. number” on your property and registering it with our department, lost or stolen items can be identified and recovered faster through the newly introduced Data Dots® Program

Home Security Surveys: Are designed to heighten the homeowner’s awareness of burglary and theft. Officers will examine your home and surrounding property and make suggestions to improve the security of your home.

Neighborhood Watch: A voluntary “self-help” crime prevention effort centered around the partnership of the community, local law enforcement, and other Township resources working towards the safety and protection of your neighborhood.

Autism Awareness: CSU host an Autism Awareness Month Event in partnership with local businesses in honor of, and to bring better awareness to the citizens/families of our community that have, or are affected by Autism.

Bicycle Registration: CSU provides bike registration to citizens, and host Bicycle Registration events in partnership with local bike shops.

Blue Angel Program: CSU Officers deploy a key box in a secure location for elderly citizens that live alone, a secure code is listed with MPD in case emergency access in required.

Brown Bag Program: In partnership with ADAPT and MPD Vice Control Unit, senior housing complexes, houses of faith, and community events are provided with a receptacle to properly dispose of prescription medications (expired, outdated, excess).

Child Passenger Seat Installation: CSU provides proper/safe child passenger seat installation by trained and certified Child Passengers Safety Seat Technicians. Officers are certified by SafeKids.

Citizens Police Academy: Gives residents an in-depth experience and knowledge of how the police department works in all aspects.

Coffee with a Cop: Program where officers engage with community in non-stressful conditions. Officers are open to any and all questions and get a chance to be with the residents.

Community Meetings: Besides ward meetings, officer meet with certain groups throughout the year that fit different needs. Examples include Mayor’s Wellness Committee, ADAPT, C.A.R.E.S., Brother to Brother, etc.

Cone with a Cop: Engages the youth over Ice Cream

Crime Prevention/Security Surveys: CSU Officers perform surveys to help citizens identify areas in need of target hardening in an effort to prevent/deter citizens from crime or being victims of crime.

Internship Program: CSU oversees and manages the department’s internship program. This

program is comprised of high school/college youth interested in the Law-Enforcement Career Field.

Junior Police Academy/Explorers Program: Provides a structured training for the youth and gives an inside look at policing while engaging with the youth.

National Night Out: CSU creates a night of fun with all the town’s first responders as well as having a safe night out for all to enjoy.

PAL Basketball Program: The PAL Basketball Program consists of seven teams, grades 5 – 8 (Boys/Girls). The teams compete in the Suburban League, and various tournaments. Additionally, there is a 6-week camp “Basketball 101” founded by Bobby “Smooth” Hurt.

PAL Family Fun Night: Once a month on a Friday officers hang out with youth where they play games and engage with one another. Safe Friday night out for youth as well.

Pizza with a Cop: Engages the youth over pizza. 

Senior Safety Talks/Workshops: CSU Officers provide information for personal safety, scams/fraud, cyber scams, etc. to prevent our most vulnerable population from being victimized.

School Talks/Workshops: Ranging from preschoolers to high school students, officers give age appropriate lessons on various areas such as bullying, stranger danger, bicycle safety, etc.

Special Olympics: Takes part in games throughout the year as well as organizes the annual Torch Run and Annual Swim Meet.

Take Me Home Registry: Maintains registry for those with special needs that might wander away from home.

Teen Driving Event: In partnership with the MPD Traffic Bureau, CSU provides safe driving awareness to the high school students.

Trunk or Treat: CSU coordinate a safe space for children in our community to enjoy Halloween, by receiving candy, seeing police cars, and police headquarters decorated.

Ward Meetings: Each officer is assigned as liaison to specific ward in town. Officer attends meetings and can discuss areas of concern and get feedback from citizens.

Youth Advisory Council: Serves as youth being the liaison between their peers and the Police Department. Concerns of the youth are brought to the police department’s attention and information is brought back to the youth.

Other community events: Throughout the year, CSU attends numerous community events where members engage with the community in various capacities.


New events are always being created within the unit. Officers are constantly in their respective wards and communities engaging with citizens and business owners creating a relationship between the public and police department.

While no program is 100% effective, these programs employed together are a highly effective deterrent to crime and are offered to township residents at no charge.

This is only a partial list of programs and services provided by the Community Service Unit and the Department is always seeking ideas, new programs, and initiatives in an effort to continually expand and improve our services to the community.

The Montclair Police Department's commitment to Community Policing is strong, from the Chief of Police to each and every Patrol Officer and civilian employee. The Department is staffed with dedicated Officers ready and willing to serve the citizens of the Township of Montclair.


The Community Liaison Officers can be reached at 973-509-4775.

Additional Information:

Montclair Police Athletic League: