August 2024

Police Blotter: July 30, 2024 – August 6, 2024

Montclair Police Department

Police Blotter: July 30, 2024 – August 6, 2024

Burglary / Attempted Burglary

July 31, 2024 (Grove Street): The homeowners reported that they were awoken by their audible alarm sounding indicating someone was in view of their cameras. The video shows one of three male suspects enter onto their rear porch and attempt to open a rear door. The males were unable to enter the residence and fled to an awaiting dark sedan. The suspects were likely targeting two high end vehicles parked in the resident’s driveway.

August 2, 2024 (Highland Avenue): The resident reported that two males dressed in all black had attempted to make entry into his home through a front window. The males were unsuccessful. The homeowner encountered them, and they fled to an awaiting SUV. The vehicle was last seen west on Claremont Avenue at a high rate of speed.

Theft / Fraud

July 30, 2024 (Sunset Park): The victim reported that he was working a construction job and received an alert that a $400.00 purchase was attempted using his card. He checked his van and discovered that a bag containing his wallet was stolen. The charges occurred at the Montclair 7-11 and were declined.

August 5, 2024 (Valley Road): An employee of LukOil reported that a black BMW X1 refueled and failed to make payment. The vehicle was occupied by three males and fled west on Lorraine Avenue. The vehicle was determined to have been stolen from Maplewood, NJ.

Suspicious Incident

August 4, 2024 (Highland Avenue): An officer patrolling Highland Avenue during the overnight hours came upon a BMW X5 with no headlights idling in the roadway. Three males then ran from a driveway, entered the BMW and fled south on Highland Avenue. The BMW was stolen from South Amboy, NJ. The suspects were attempting to enter an Audi parked in a Highland Avenue driveway.


July 30, 2024 (Bloomfield Avenue): A 34-year-old male from Montclair was charged with Disorderly Conduct stemming from a dispute.

Police Blotter: August 6, 2024 – August 13, 2024

Montclair Police Department

Police Blotter: August 6, 2024 – August 13, 2024

Strong Arm Robbery

August 6, 2024 (Mission Street): An employee at The Mission Mart reported that a male entered the business and ordered a sandwich. A verbal dispute began between the male and the employee over the price of the sandwich. The male suspect then began placing numerous items into his pockets and attempted to leave the store without paying. The employee attempted to prevent the male from leaving at which time he was struck by the suspect numerous times in the head with his fists and a chair. The employee was treated by Montclair EMS. The suspect fled. He was described as a black male wearing a white T-Shirt and red shorts.


August 6, 2024 (Gates Avenue): The victim reported that his storage unit located in the basement of his apartment building was burglarized. The lock was broken from the unit and a men’s bicycle valued at $200.00 was stolen.

August 12, 2024 (Erwin Park Road): The residents reported hearing a commotion outside of their residence. They looked outside of their window and observed two vehicles parked at the edge of their driveway. They also observed at least two males on their property with flashlights. The suspects fled after being discovered by the homeowners.
The residents then discovered their rear door was completely open. A wallet and a backpack were discovered missing from the dining room table.

Motor Vehicle Crime

August 8, 2024 (Llewellyn Road): The victim reported that he was working at a residence on Llewellyn Road and left his work vehicle unattended for approximately thirty minutes. When he returned to it, he discovered his work bag missing. The bag contained his wallet and cash.

August 10, 2024 (South Willow Street): Several vehicles parked in a South Willow Street parking garage were entered. Most vehicles that were entered were left unlocked and were ransacked. One vehicle had a pair of airpods stolen. The airpods were tracked to an address in East Orange, NJ. Surveillance video shows the incident occurred at approximately 2:40 AM. The suspects were described as black males in their twenties.

August 11, 2024 (Midland Avenue): The victim reported that he parked his 2024 Alfa Romeo in front of the residence. Witnesses reported observing a black male enter the Alfa Romeo and flee with the vehicle. The male then abruptly stopped at Midland Avenue and Walnut Street, jumped out of the Alfa Romeo and entered a white sedan that was the “follow car”. The suspect and the white sedan then fled.


August 10, 2024 (Bloomfield Avenue): Officers responded to a report of a large physical disturbance outside of Porta. Witnesses reported that the altercation began after one group of patrons was asked to leave the restaurant after they were found to be “vaping” at the table. Once outside, a verbal dispute began between the group that was asked to leave and another group of customers. The dispute eventually became physical. One subject was found to be unconscious with lacerations to his head. He was transported to Saint Joseph’s Medical Center by Montclair EMS. Another subject that was involved was later located at Hudson Regional Medical Center in Secaucus, NJ. This incident is currently under investigation.


August 10, 2024 (Bloomfield Avenue): An employee at Dunkin Donuts reported that a male took his iPhone 12 Pro Max from a windowsill. The suspect was described only as a young black male.

Police Blotter: August 13, 2024 – August 20, 2024

Montclair Police Department

Police Blotter: August 13, 2024 – August 20, 2024

Motor Vehicle Crime

August 13, 2024 (Irving Street): The complainant reported that two backpacks were stolen from the cab of his work truck. The suspects used a rock to shatter a rear passenger side window. The bags contained a small amount of cash and personal belongings.

August 14, 2024 (Franklin Avenue): The resident reported that she exited her home and was walking down the driveway when she observed an unknown male running from her parked BMW X1 that was parked in the driveway. The suspect entered an awaiting vehicle and fled south towards West Orange.

August 15, 2024 (Glenridge Avenue): The victim parked her vehicle on Glenridge Avenue. When she returned, she discovered that her wallet was missing. Cash and credit cards were contained in the wallet. Two unauthorized transactions were made using the vicitm’s credit cards.


August 13, 2024 (Upper Mountain Avenue): The residents reported that their home was burglarized while they were away on vacation. A window on the first floor of the home was discovered to be open and is the suspected point of entry. Approximately $2000 in cash were the reported proceeds.

Police Blotter: August 20, 2024 – August 27, 2024

Montclair Police Department

Police Blotter: August 20, 2024 – August 27, 2024

Burglary / Attempted Burglary

August 23, 2024 (Hilltop Place / Wayside Place): The homeowner reported that he was awoken by his cellphone alerting him to movement in his backyard. Upon viewing his cameras, the resident observed three individuals wearing all black clothing with gloves and ski masks carrying burglary tools in the rear of his property near his back door. He then engaged an audible alarm that scared off the individuals who immediately fled the property.

Surveillance footage showed at least two males attempting to enter the front door of the home, while a third suspect is seen picking up a large garden stone and walking away. The suspects did not make entry into the home. They fled in a white SUV, possibly a BMW. Almost simultaneously, the owners of a Hilltop Place residence reported being woken up by a “large crash”. Upon investigating, the resident observed his front glass door had been shattered and a male was attempting to enter the home. The resident yelled to the suspects who fled in an awaiting white SUV. The stone used to shatter the door was taken from the residence on Wayside Place.

Motor Vehicle Crime

August 23, 2024 (Erwin Park): The resident reported that her 2024 Tesla was entered during the overnight hours. The vehicle was possibly left unlocked. A key located in the center console was missing.

August 23, 2024 (Pine Street): The complainant reported that his vehicle was entered while parked on the third level of the Bay Street Parking Deck. He reported that the vehicle was ransacked, and a strong odor of marijuana was present in the vehicle when he returned to it.

Indecent Exposure

August 24, 2024 (Valley Road): The complainant reported that she observed a male “pleasuring himself” between two donation bins within the CVS Parking Lot. The suspect was described as a black male in his early twenties, with black hair styled with twists or dreadlocks, wearing a pink T-shirt with a yellow smiley face graphic on the front and dark colored sweatpants.


August 24, 2024 (Valley Road): A 47-year-old male from Montclair was charged with Defiant Trespass and Disorderly Conduct following a disturbance on Valley Road.