Maternal Child Health



Family Connects NJ is a free, voluntary program offering a visit at home by specially trained nurses for any family caring for a newborn baby.

The program is available to all New Jersey families.

During the critical first weeks following childbirth, Family Connects NJ provides families with a private visit at home by a specially trained nurse.

Program nurses will check the baby’s weight, assess physical and emotional health of both newborn and parents.

Family Connects NJ nurses also provide information on important topics like feeding, sleeping, and community resources available, if needed.

How to Enroll

Families can learn more information and request a nurse visit by visiting the Family Connects NJ website.

For families who would rather enroll by phone, the website also includes phone numbers for local Family Connects NJ nurse providers in your home county



FamilyConnectNJ_Factsheet_English.pdf(PDF, 445KB)

FamilyConnectNJ_Factsheet_Spanish.pdf(PDF, 394KB)

Family Connects NJ Website

Frequently Asked Questions for Birth Families