Recycling Information

Recycling in Montclair

Recycling is the law in New Jersey. In Montclair, we recognize that recycling is important for many other reasons: it reduces waste, saves tax dollars and conserves energy by giving previously used natural resources a new life. Montclair provides extensive recycling services, the most notable being weekly curbside collection of “mixed paper” and “commingled” recyclables (i.e. metal, plastic and glass). In addition, various drop-off opportunities for these and other recyclables are provided at the Public Works Center, located at 219 North Fullerton Avenue.

Below is a summary of the items accepted for weekly curbside collection, followed by a brief itemized listing of other recyclables accepted by the Township of Montclair.

For pick-up schedules, see here. Questions should be directed to the Department of Community Services at 973-509-5711.

Commingled materials

Uncontaminated and rinsed containers, plastics marked 1, 2, 5 (excludes Styrofoam and plastic bags), tin and aluminum cans, clear, brown, green glass, poly-laminated paper beverage containers (milk & juice containers) and aseptic packaging containers (small lined juice containers).
Please note that plastic bottle tops, lids and straws should be disposed of with regular refuse.

No metal or glass, other than food and beverage containers are allowed.

Accepted plastic narrow neck containers are ones that contained soft drinks, milk, juice, water, bleach, laundry detergent, light cleaning product, health care products (lotion, shampoo, etc.), but they cannot exceed one gallon. The only food containers accepted in commingled recycling are peanut butter jars and yogurt containers. Lids must be removed, and containers must be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned.


Commingled materials must be cleaned and placed loosely in a rigid plastic or metal container, with handles, and no larger than 35 gallons. Please do not package commingled – materials in cardboard boxes, plastic or paper bags. Glass should not be broken in small piece or crushed.

DO NOT include the following materials to your commingled recycling:

Microwave trays, plastic bags, flower pots, nursery trays, food trays, dishware, toys, paint cans, Styrofoam, mirrors, window or auto glass, light bulbs, ceramics, pots, pans, toasters and small appliances, any plastic without a number on them, needles, rubber hoses, syringes hazardous materials, pesticide, chemical, antifreeze and oil containers, paper bags, plastic film, coat hangers, aerosol cans, tar pails, vacuum and pool hoses, pool liners, shower curtains, PVC pipe, plumbing accessories, building products, plastic fencing, wire, electrical equipment, general household items and bowling balls. Food and party trays even if stamped with #1, #2, #5 are trash.

Mixed paper

The following items are considered mixed paper and must be recycled: Newspaper; cardboard (except wax-coated cardboard boxes); magazines; catalogs; all office paper with or without staples; envelopes (with or without windows); paper bags; junk mail; postcards; greeting cards; math and composition paper; paperback books; hard cover books (hard covers removed); phone books; real estate books; coupons; sweepstakes mailings; and packing paper.

Unacceptable paper products

Pizza boxes; food contaminated paper and/or boxes; soiled paper; waxed paper, photographic paper; food wrappers; wax paper; box liners; napkins; paper towels; tissue paper; self-adhesive envelopes; carbon paper; hard covers from books; plasticized overnight letter envelopes; blueprint paper; construction paper; metallic wrapping paper; wax-coated cardboard and poly-laminated paper beverage cartons (containing juice, drinks, or milk, etc.

How to place out for curbside collection

Cardboard boxes must be flattened and tied into bundles no larger than 3 ft. by 3 ft. Any non-paper packaging must be removed. All other paper may be placed in either a rigid plastic or metal container with handles, no larger than 35 gallons or tied with twine in bundles no larger than one (1) ft. high. No other method is acceptable!

Recycling of specific products:


Curbside pickup of HOUSEHOLD appliances is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. There is a $10 fee for items containing CFCs, including refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, payable in advance at the Public Works Center (219 North Fullerton Avenue). Items must be placed at the curb NO EARLIER THAN 6:00 P.M. OF THE DAY PRECEDING SCHEDULED PICKUP. Items placed after 6:00 a.m. of the scheduled day may be missed, which will require a new appointment. To schedule an appliance pickup and obtain a permit, please contact the Department of Community Services at(973) 509-5711.


Standard alkaline batteries (AA, AAA, and C, D or 9-volt) are NOT acceptable for recycling in Montclair. These batteries may be discarded with household refuse. Other batteries, such as rechargeable Ni-Cad, Ni-MH and Li-ion used in small electronics, are considered household hazardous waste and may NOT be discarded with household refuse. These items must be brought to the Essex County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day -- call973-792-9060for more information).


Boxboard or “gray cardboard” is accepted for recycling in Montclair. Examples of boxboard include writing pad backs, non-contaminated cupboard-type boxes (i.e. cereal, cake mix or cookies with plastic/wax-paper liners removed); and merchandise boxes from packaged goods. See “MIXED PAPER” for collection details.

Cans (aluminum, bi-metal, and metal)

Metal containers commonly used for beverages and food products only are accepted for recycling. See “Commingled” above for collection details.


All cardboard, without any wax coating, is accepted for recycling in Montclair. Wax-coated cardboard is NOT acceptable for recycling. Cardboard must be flattened and tied with cloth string into bundles no larger than 3 ft. x 3 ft. when placed at the curb. See “Mixed Paper” above for collection details.


Computer equipment (CPUs, monitors, printers, etc.), TVs, VCRs, cell phones, and stereo equipment may all be recycled in Montclair. These items may be brought to the Public Works Center for recycling on Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Essex County also hosts electronics recycling events – call973-792-9060for more information.

Glass Bottles

Clear, amber, and green glass bottles and jars normally used to contain beverage and food products are accepted for recycling in Montclair. Containers should be emptied and rinsed before recycling collection or drop off. See “Commingled” above for collection details.

Grass Clippings

Grass clippings are recycled in Montclair from May to October. Clippings may be placed curbside in biodegradable paper bags. Plastic bags are NOT acceptable for curbside collection of grass clippings.


Leaves are accepted for recycling in Montclair during the fall and spring collection periods which are generally from mid-October through the end of December and the entire month of April. Per Township Ordinance 292-26B adopted by the Township Council on October 11, 2005, loose leaves may no longer be raked into the street for collection. Leaves must now be placed curbside in BIODEGRADABLE PAPER BAGS ONLY for pickup on the regular weekly recycling day. Plastic bags are NOT acceptable.


All magazines are accepted for recycling in Montclair. See “Mixed Paper” above for collection details.


All newsprint is accepted for recycling in Montclair. See “Mixed Paper” above for collection details.

Paper Products

Household and office paper including bond, stationary, fax paper; envelopes (with or without windows); tab cards and manila folders; greeting cards and postcards; merchandise boxes from packaged goods; math and composition paper; hardcover books (covers must be removed); softcover (paperback) books; paper bags; phone books; real estate books; coupons and junk mail. See “Mixed Paper” above for collection details.

Plastics (Narrow Neck Containers)

Plastic containers coded 1-PETE 2-HDPE or 5-PP, not exceeding one gallon, which contained soda, milk, juice, water, bleach, laundry detergent, and light cleaning products are acceptable. Please remove bottle tops and lids on plastic containers. Montclair does not accept Styrofoam, plastic bags, pesticide, motor oil, antifreeze containers, or plant containers. See “Commingled” above for collection details.


Tires (up to 1100 series) are accepted for recycling in Montclair. There is a fee of $2.00 per tire without the rim; $5.00 per tire with rim, payable in advance. Fees may be paid on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Tires may only be dropped off at the Public Works Center, 219 North Fullerton Avenue on Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. NOTE: fees cannot be collected on Saturdays.