
Residents have twice weekly refuse collection. Collection days depend on the area of town in which you live. See the Refuse and Bulky Waste Collection Map(PDF, 87KB)  for more information or find your collection days on the online township map viewer. Be sure to tick the Layer List boxes for the layers you want to see.

Residents are reminded that garbage cans must be no more than 35 gallons in size and weigh no more than 50 lbs. Only 3 cans per household may be put out for collection. See Ordinance: 292-21 for guidelines regarding suitable receptacles. These containers should be made of rigid plastic or metal and should have handles and covers.

The reason for the enforcing the refuse can size requirement is to reduce the injury rates for our township sanitation workers. Our employees are often injured attempting to lift the large cans into the garbage truck for disposal. The most common injury is low back strain. Lower back trauma is the leading industry injury for trash collection personnel. By reducing the size and weight of the trash cans we can help reduce employee injuries and lower overall operational costs.