The Water Bureau is responding to a water main break in front of 179 Orange Rd. Orange Rd is going to be closed between Cross Street and Gates Ave while the repair is being made.
This page is for lost & found pets in Montclair and surrounding areas.
If you have lost or found a pet in one of these towns or in a town close to them please call us at 973-744-8600. Don't forget to call your local police department non-emergency number AND your local Animal Control Officers.
You may also email a photo of the lost pet to -- be sure to include when your pet was lost and from what location. Also provide the pet owner's name, address and best contact phone number to be reached in the event the pet is found.
There are several local Lost & Found Facebook pages -- make sure to post the lost pet there AND update all posts when the pet is found.
Microchipping increases the chances of lost pets being reunited with their owners. The Animal Shelter offers microchipping for $20. The procedure takes less than a minute: a small chip is inserted below the skin of the pet and enables officials to find the pet owner faster. Pets that are microchipped are able to be reunited with their owners while Animal Control Officers are still in the field, saving your wayward pet a stay-over at the animal shelter.