Council Meeting Schedule




Regular and Conference Council Meetings will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey at 7:00 P.M. prevailing time, on the following Tuesdays, except where a different day or time is noted. Executive Sessions will be scheduled as required. The Township Council may conduct public business and take action at all Council Meetings.

January 2 [Special] Thursday, 6:00pm start
















January 10 [Special] Friday, 6:00pm start

January 7 [Conference]                               January 28 [Regular]
February 3 [Special] Monday, 5:30pm start
                              February 6 [Special] Thursday, 4:00pm start
February 10 [Special] Monday, 5:30pm start
February 11 [Conference] 6:00pm start     

February 25 [Regular] 6:00pm start
March 11 [Conference]

March 25 [Regular]
April 8 [Conference]

April 22 [Regular]
May 6 [Conference]

May 20 [Regular]
June 3 [Regular]

July 22 [Regular]
August 12 [Regular]

September 9 [Conference]
September 30 [Regular]

October 7 [Conference]
October 21 [Regular

November 12 [Conference]
November 25 [Regular]

December 2 [Conference]
December 16 [Regular]



Updated: July 18th, 2024 
ADOPTED-R-24-174-Resolution-Added-July-2024-Meeting-Date.pdf(PDF, 78KB)

Council Meetings may be switched to remote using Cisco Webex if a public health emergency, a state of emergency, or a state of local disaster emergency has been declared by the Governor of New Jersey. The public will be able to participate in the remote meetings via phone. The phone number(s) and access code(s) for public participation during remote meetings will be provided on the Township website at and posted on the bulletin board outside the main public entrance of the Municipal Building.

All relevant meeting documents will be available for download on the Township website at

All Council Meetings will broadcast live on local channel 34 and stream live on the Montclair TV34 Youtube channel.

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