Schedule of Meetings



In order to comply with “The Open Public Meetings Act,” Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 of the State of New Jersey and “The Emergency Remote Meeting Protocol for Local Public Bodies,” please note that that the Board of Adjustment of the Township of Montclair will meet on the dates listed below:

January 17                     May 1                      September 4
February 21                        June 5 September 18
March 6 (Canceled) June 19 October 16 
March 20 July 17 November 6
April 3 (Canceled) August 7 December 4 
April 17 August 21                     December 18


If no business is scheduled, notice of cancelation of these meetings will be made. All meetings will start at 7:30 p.m. on the dates listed above. The Board will meet remotely if a public health emergency, a state of emergency or a state or local disaster emergency has been declared by the Governor of New Jersey. Details to join remote meetings will be provided on the Board of Adjustment webpage and posted on the bulletin board outside the rear door to the Montclair Township Municipal Building. Otherwise, the Board will meet in the Council Chamber at the Montclair Township Municipal, 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey.