Housing Commission News

Housing Commission Presentation - July 30, 2024


The Housing Commission made a presentation to the Montclair Township Council on July 30, 2024 discussing the purpose of the Housing Commission, housing trends and considerations for the Fourth Round Housing Element and Fair Share Plan. Link to the presentation is provided below.

Housing-Commission-Presentation_2024-07-30(PDF, 9MB)

Housing Commission Meeting - April 24, 2024


Graduate students from the Bloustein School at Rutgers University participated in a Community Development Studio where they worked with the Montclair Township Housing Commission and other stakeholders in Montclair Township to assess the state of affordable housing and housing policies in the town.

The students prepared initial designs on municipally-owned and faith-based institution-owned sites that are suitable for development of permanently affordable housing. Montclair, like so many other cities and towns in New Jersey and around the country, has been concerned about the availability and quality of affordable housing in its jurisdiction.

This concern led to a Montclair an Affordable Housing Strategy prepared in 2004 and a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan adopted in 2009. The Affordable Housing Strategy called for eight elements, including creation of a Housing Commission to advise the Township on housing policies. Students met with the Housing Commission and other stakeholders and presented their results to the Housing Commission on April 24.

This information will be used by the Township in preparation for a new state-mandated Housing Element and Fair Share Plan which is to be completed by July 1, 2025. Links to the presentation and the meeting are provided below.

Affordable Housing in Montclair presentation(PDF, 2MB)

Housing Commission Meeting_2024-04-24